
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hey, parenthood! Slap me in the face, why don't ya!

The day had come and thankfully had passed. That day when it hits you harder that you could ever understand that you are a parent. That day was Thursday this past week. Not quite the best way to have parenthood smack you in the face, but it happened.

Preamble: Sadie's been a little under the weather since Monday or so with a tiny tiny cough and a little stuffy nose/runny nose (depending on the time). Then her cough got a bit deeper and more coarse. So Thomas and I cranked her humidifier to high during the night and that seemed to help a little bit. We put her to bed Wednesday night with a small cough but she didn't seem to mind because she went right to sleep.

Thursday was a different story. I wake up, shower, get Sadie to feed her and then get her ready for the day. She wasn't too interested in eating, but she ate a bit. Her nose wasn't too stuffed up. She seemed happy and playful as I changed her diaper and her clothes for the day. Thomas takes her to daycare in the morning, so I left and went to work. That was around 7:30 a.m. Around 9:30 a.m., I get a call from the daycare.

Daycare lady: "We wanted to let you know that Sadie is fairly sick. She's thrown up three times this morning, is full of mucus, coughing, and having trouble breathing. Her fingers are turning purple."

My thoughts: SHIT!

My response: "I need to talk with my boss to see if I can leave. If not, I'll call Thomas and see if he can get Sadie."

My continuing thoughts: SHIT! Poor Sadie! Be strong Sadie! Don't die!!!

Yes, I realize a little overkill, but if it's your first child and only her second week at daycare, what would you think? So, yes, parenthood hit me hard. Luckily, my boss was very understanding and said I could work from home the rest of the day. I picked up Sadie and went to the doctors with her. Thomas met us there. Little punk hardly coughed since I had picked her up. The doctor checked her out, said it was just a common cold, and to watch her. No more turning colors, which was good. Sadie threw up because she was swallowing all of the mucus that she was coughing up. Having trouble breathing was because she couldn't quite cough it up in one go. But she's good now. No issues. Small cough, but even smaller than what she had earlier this week. Woohoo!

All in all, Sadie is doing much better and eating everything in sight (or at least trying to, including my bicep as I write this post). It just sucks that parenthood had to hit so hard, especially that way. Yuck. Oh well. Makes us stronger. Luckily I'm not a worry wort so I never got into the mind set that something may have been wrong with her internally. She's too good for that.

On a quick side note, I called my mom to let her know what was going on with Sadie. It's a little hard when she's five states away to stay in the loop with everything, but we do make the effort to talk at least once a week. I told her that "MoPie was sick". Her response, other than the obvious, was interesting. She asked where I got the nickname of MoPie from. Mo = Moore, Pie = from cutie pie, etc. So MoPie. She laughed and said she either brainwashed me or influenced me subconciously. I asked why. She said her nickname for me when I was little was JenniPie. Like mother, like daughter - even without knowing.



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