
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sleep is nice, but ...

Sadie has slept through the night twice in a row now. Which is fantastic, and worrisome at the same time. Let me explain. Fantastic - woohoo! I can get some sleep and not have to wake up every few hours to change her diaper, listen to her cry, or feed her. Worrisome - ditto the last sentence. After nine weeks, I've gotten used to waking up every few hours to check on her. If she's quiet for too long or I haven't visually checked in on her, I get worried like something is wrong. And my poor boobs get really full. I may have to start trying to pump in the middle of the night because after about three or four hours of Sadie sleeping, I'm super full and can't sleep because I can't roll around to get comfortable without squashing myself. Argh. But, overall, I'm glad Sadie is learning how to sleep for longer periods of time. She needs all the rest she can get seeing she's growing so stinking fast!

On a side note, job hunting sucks when there aren't that many positions in the field I want to get in. And it sucks even more when people take FOREVER to reply back. What's worse is when people don't let you know that the position has already been filled. Jerks. Oh well. I called one place yesterday that I interviewed with, only to find out that the position was filled. Suck. Then I called the people that I interviewed with first, which has now been a full month since the interview. They say the want me, but have to make sure that they have enough workload to bring me on - meaning they are waiting to land a few more contracts with other places first. Then, this morning I get an email from another place that has been taking its sweet precious time in getting back to me, saying that they have my resume and it will be reviewed "in the next week or so". We'll see. I'm hoping to get something lined up because at this point I feel that all of my hard work through school was a waste of time and too much money. Argh. Somebody please hire me!


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